Past Poll Results
- 5/17/2016 And, what do you think was the most popular name for a baby girl 2015?
- 5/6/2016 What do you think was the most popular name for a baby boy in 2015?
- 3/25/2016 Now that it is travel season, what type of vacation would you most like to go on?
- 3/14/2016 The announcement that Tilikum, SeaWorld’s killer whale, is dying is raising concerns over the treatment of animals by humans. What do you think about keeping killer whales and other animals in captivity?
- 2/29/2016 Chris Rock’s opening monologue at the Oscars focused on racism in the Academy and Hollywood in general. How did you feel about his opening monologue?
- 2/26/2016 Which movie will win the award for Best Picture at the Oscars this year?
- 2/18/2016 Apple refused the court order of the government to hack the cellphone of the shooter that killed 14 in San Bernadino, California. Do you agree with the stance Apple has taken against the government?
- 2/12/2016 What is your favorite thing to do on Valentine’s day?
- 2/10/2016 Which Super Bowl related event was most offensive to you?
- 2/5/2016 On Sunday the Panthers will play the Broncos in Super Bowl 50. What food are you most excited to eat during the game?
- 2/3/2016 19-year-old cyclocross athlete Femke Van den Driessche was recently caught racing with a motor concealed in the frame of her bicycle. What are your thoughts on athletes looking to gain a performance edge?
- 1/29/2016 Who do you think will be the Republican winner of the Iowa caucus?
- 1/19/2016 In light of the recent tennis match fixing scandals, what do you think the most corrupt sport in the world is?
- 1/12/2016 If you were to win the $1.5 billion Power Ball, what is the first thing you would purchase?
- 1/6/2016 If you bring a bottle of alcohol to a friend's party and it goes untouched all night, do you take the bottle back home with you?
- 12/21/2015 Last night at the Miss Universe pageant, Steve Harvey accidentally announced Miss Colombia as the winner. If you were Miss Colombia in that situation what would you have done?
- 11/16/2015 Would you be interested in working outside of the usual 9:00-5:00/Monday through Friday shift?
- 10/1/2015 Which of these abilities would you most like to have?
- 9/28/2015 Were you able to see the Super Blood Moon and the eclipse last night?
- 8/17/2015 Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, envisions a world where delivery drones will be "more common than the mail truck." This vision is gaining ground and Amazon plans to begin testing this new delivery method in March of 2016. While Bezos says they are still "years away" from publicly launching this service, there are both pros and cons to be considered. How do you feel about this new delivery service?